Not Just for Geeks
Philosophy isn't just something scholars in pointy caps sit around and think up all day. In reality, we are all philosophers—we just may not realize it.
Philosophy is simply a set of ideas someone puts together as a system. How you become a philosopher is when you put those ideas into action. Your "system" of ideas is a collection of the things you think are really important—ideas important enough to act on. Your "worldview" (your view of how the world works), isn't what you say you believe, it's what you believe strongly enough to act on, which means sometimes what you say you believe isn't what you really believe.
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Okay. You say you believe in the Bible. You say you think it's true. But then you turn around and covet something, or you lie to someone, or you cheat on your taxes. At that particular moment you aren't acting on what you say you believe, or simply, the Bible is not true enough to act on at that moment. Sure, there are other factors like the sin nature, habits, etc., but not believing what God said at the moment we act is what we have in common with Eve in Genesis 3 and Peter when Jesus called him out in Matthew 16:23 with "Get behind me, Satan!" The moment we "stray from the path" (the definition of sin) we are denying God's Truth and agreeing with Satan.